Week 12!

Twelve weeks?!

Three whole months!

A trimester!

A quarter of a year!

Forgive my enthusiasm, I'm just so thrilled. Our doors are open and a community is forming.

Beautiful people are breathing, moving, laughing.

Today we had our first Restorative Yoga workshop - and it was a wonderful experience. Ninety minutes of gentle stretching and deep relaxation. Lots of contented sighs - music to a teacher's ears.

There have been changes this week -we've added some new classes, new products, and we're now offering Reiki treatments.

It can be challenging to stay centered amid all the changes, all the life flowing in the studio. I worry about having enough time to make an authentic connection with each and every soul that enters the space.  

In the end we do our best.

It is my hope that my intention to support and nurture each individual comes across - even when classes are full.

Restorative was exactly what I needed after a busy week. It was so nice today to get to spend moments working individually with each person in class. A treat for us as instructors. It is a privilege to assist someone into a deep stretch, to provide a prop or option that takes a posture from "good enough" to sublime.

Opening Thrive has felt very much like my yoga practice. It is hard work. Some moments are effortless. Some are challenging. Deep breaths always help. Being in the moment and connecting with other souls deepens the experience.

It is rewarding in ways I never would have imagined.

Today's workshop was a reward - thank you to those who attended. I hope to bring my sense of individual attention and connection into all my classes this week.

Namaste, my friends.


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