Tick Tock!

Oh gang, I have some very alarming news.

Last week, while driving home after evening classes ... I had to turn on my headlights. 


The sun had set!

Oh these days, they are slipping by way too fast.

In the heat of the mid-day sun it seems as if these glorious days will linger forever, but the signs are there.

Sneakily, oh so sneakily, summer is drawing to a close.

I am very grateful for the headlights-wake-up-call. It has reminded me to savor these days.

Since then I have taken the time to sit in the sun, enjoy the flowers and sip iced coffee.

I feel the shift in energy, though. Do you do, too?

I found myself clearing out my closets, ruthlessly purging. Craving organization and space.

Then I felt a subtle push towards creativity. For the first time in months I pawed briefly through my knitting basket, rather than opting to putter in the garden.

I'm not quite ready to dive in yet, but the energy is starting to shift.

I am not at all ready to let go of summer. I need several more evenings on the deck with friends, more days at the beach and more unscheduled days with the boys.

So, here you go, gang. A little wake-up call from me to you. Fall is coming!

So let's enjoy these days; wring all the goodness out of them as possible.

Let's also notice the subtle shift that is happening all around.

Knowing that these long summer days are numbered makes each moment that much sweeter.

Pause and savor, gang for  although today the sun set at 7:56, tomorrow it sets at 7:55, and Wednesday it'll be 7:54.

Enjoy it while it lasts.


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