Resolution dissolution

Why hello there, friend!

It's been way, way too long. Over a month, in fact. 

How are you? Well, I hope. 

Where have we been? Well friend, I'm not exactly sure. This month has passed in a blur. 

We've been wonderfully busy at the studio - it has been so exciting to be a part of the New Years resolutions of so many lovely people.

I, too, dove in to some projects with wild enthusiasm. 

At this point though, I've ridden the wave of my enthusiasm to its completion and now in order to meet my goals I'm having to tap in to other resources. 

This is when we often give up, no? When the fun of a new workout routine, dietary change, or large project has dwindled and we are left with the day-in, day-out effort that is required in order to manifest real change. 

There are lots of tips and tricks to stay motivated, and each of us must find the ones that will work for us.

Instead of sharing what works for me - I'm going to simply share my truth. 

I get tired, too. I fall off the healthy eating wagon. I don't always get on my mat. I feel overwhelmed. I make mistakes. 

Let's not let that stop us though, yes? 

In the end, let's strive not for perfection - but for balance and compassion.

We'll have good days and bad days. We'll try to do our best, knowing that our best will vary day-to-day. 

Let's just keep moving forward. Towards our dreams, our goals, towards our best and highest good. 

I'll hang in if you hang in with me? 

Don't give up, friend. I believe in you. 


  1. so has to be a life style change not some temporary diet/ exercise regime or it won't work..only took me 67 years to figure that out.


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