Summer days
I'm not sure what week it is, gang.
I, for one, am moving away from my calendar. Letting go. Coming present.
Our class schedule has settled in for the summer. School is ending. Commitments and responsibilities are falling away and I am happy to see them go.
I am ready to settle in to a more fully present state of mind. Less planning, less rushing, less accomplishing. More eye contact. More listening. More stillness.
Today I washed dishes with the kitchen window open to a lovely breeze and was grateful.
This weekend we held Restorative Yoga and the gentle, relaxed practiced soothed us all. As always, there was some laughter but mostly there were deep breaths, sighs, and complete and total relaxation.
At our Reiki 1 workshop four remarkable women opened themselves to healing. The experience was powerful and transformative, but also profoundly intimate and bonding. Although each of us had different experiences, the feeling of love and support was shared by all . I find Reiki to be much like water cutting through stone - able to slowly but surely make its healing way through any obstacle with an endless, gentle flow.
As I move through my days this week I hope to stop, tilt my face up to the sun (or the clouds, or the rain, or the moon, or the ceiling of my car, or the track lighting in the grocery store...), breathe deeply and give thanks. This moment is good. The past moment is gone, and the next moment is yet to be, but this moment - this one right here, this breath, is good.
It's June in New England, beautiful and fleeting. I am grateful for the change of seasons.
Thrive is full of beautiful souls. I am grateful for each person who enters our space.
I can move and breathe. I am grateful for this body.
Flowers. Iced coffee. Sun glasses. Floppy hats. Grills. Tomatoes.
I am grateful.
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