Giving Thanks
One week from today we will sit down to a meal with our friends and loved ones. A delicious feast.
For me, this holiday often gets bowled over by preparations for Christmas.
But not this year, gang. Not. This. Year.
I am grateful, gosh darn it, and I'm going to shout it out for all to hear.
Allow me to express my gratitude to you, dear friend. Thank you for reading this post. Thank you for "liking" and "sharing" things on facebook - it truly helps our business grow.
Thank you for coming in to the studio.
I am grateful for each person who entrusts their physical body to our guidance. What a privilege.
Thank you for your humor. Your laughter keeps me going. Especially during barre.
Thank you for your feedback, suggestions and ideas. Each of you has helped Thrive become what it is.
Thank you for each person you dragged in to try a class. For each time you mentioned the studio to a friend. Your recommendations make my heart swell.
Thank you for your understanding and kindness as we navigate towards the conclusion of our first year in business. We have learned so much and you have stuck by us. Oh my goodness - thank you.
I promise never to take you for granted. I am grateful to have you as clients, neighbors and friends.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve our Thrive friends. What a joy to watch health and wellness blossom in each of you.
On behalf of Melinda and I, we wish you a Thanksgiving full of love, light and gratitude!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
For me, this holiday often gets bowled over by preparations for Christmas.
But not this year, gang. Not. This. Year.
I am grateful, gosh darn it, and I'm going to shout it out for all to hear.
Allow me to express my gratitude to you, dear friend. Thank you for reading this post. Thank you for "liking" and "sharing" things on facebook - it truly helps our business grow.
Thank you for coming in to the studio.
I am grateful for each person who entrusts their physical body to our guidance. What a privilege.
Thank you for your humor. Your laughter keeps me going. Especially during barre.
Thank you for your feedback, suggestions and ideas. Each of you has helped Thrive become what it is.
Thank you for each person you dragged in to try a class. For each time you mentioned the studio to a friend. Your recommendations make my heart swell.
Thank you for your understanding and kindness as we navigate towards the conclusion of our first year in business. We have learned so much and you have stuck by us. Oh my goodness - thank you.
I promise never to take you for granted. I am grateful to have you as clients, neighbors and friends.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve our Thrive friends. What a joy to watch health and wellness blossom in each of you.
On behalf of Melinda and I, we wish you a Thanksgiving full of love, light and gratitude!
Thank you.
Thank you.
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