On Perfection
I know it will come as no surprise to any of you that I am not perfect.
Oh so far from it, actually.
We work hard to create an atmosphere of acceptance and non-judgment at Thrive.
We talk about avoiding perfect poses in yoga. We laugh at our non-ballerina selves in barre and we groan through side-leg series in Pilates.
With this philosophy at the forefront of our studio, one might think that we are immune to perfectionism and our own masters of self acceptance and compassion.
Alas, no.
I am not immune to the bombardment of social media. Yogis who are younger, thinner, bendier than me. Pilates and barre enthusiasts with six-pack abs and buns of steel.
We all fall prey to the demon of comparison.
When I find myself feeling not good enough - I have to dig deep in my tool box. This one's a tough one.
When I find myself frustrated and judgmental of myself - I remind myself of one of my favorite yoga quotes:
Oh so far from it, actually.
We work hard to create an atmosphere of acceptance and non-judgment at Thrive.
We talk about avoiding perfect poses in yoga. We laugh at our non-ballerina selves in barre and we groan through side-leg series in Pilates.
With this philosophy at the forefront of our studio, one might think that we are immune to perfectionism and our own masters of self acceptance and compassion.
Alas, no.
I am not immune to the bombardment of social media. Yogis who are younger, thinner, bendier than me. Pilates and barre enthusiasts with six-pack abs and buns of steel.
We all fall prey to the demon of comparison.
When I find myself feeling not good enough - I have to dig deep in my tool box. This one's a tough one.
When I find myself frustrated and judgmental of myself - I remind myself of one of my favorite yoga quotes:
"The pose begins when you want to leave it."
The true, life-changing benefits of any physical activity are not when the moment is easy, effortless and pretty It's not in the instragram-worthy moment. The benefits are in the struggle. When we are sweaty, somewhat miserable and yet brave enough to stay one more moment.
There is also transformation in the moment when we realize we must leave a pose or an activity because it isn't safe or right for our body. That glorious moment when we grab a block, or take a knee down to the floor. When we sit this one out. In this moment we are full of acceptance, compassion and kindness for our dear body.
There is no room for perfection in either of these scenarios. There is only room for courage and kindness.
Images of perfection are everywhere. They don't create inspiration or motivation. Unfortunately, they just leave us full of self judgment and feeling like we are less than perfect
Let's take this yoga lesson off our mat. We don't need to be a yogi in order to benefit.
Allow me to say this to you - and I hope you will kindly say it back to me:
Perfection is an illusion and not a goal to be strived for. It is unattainable.
You are good enough right now, right as you are. Your growth only adds to your goodness.
You are brave enough to work hard and succeed and it doesn't need to be pretty. The best work isn't.
You are also brave enough to back off from work that is too hard, to take care of yourself. Let go.
I hope you know you don't have to try to be perfect here.
Shall we make a deal?
I won't pretend to be perfect if you won't.
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