For the Love of Children
I've always described Victoria as "The Mary Poppins of Yoga." Her kids yoga classes are absolutely phenomenal. So I was delighted to see her continue to improve the lives of children with her thoughtful, beautiful crafts. Here's what she had to say about her creative process...
"Teaching yoga to children, and also having my own, I know how badly some children suffer from anxiety, especially around bedtime. The Worry Dolls are an old idea, originating in Guatemala, with the idea that the owner of the doll can tell them their worry and then put it under their pillow, where the doll will take away their worries while they sleep, giving them happy dreams. It can also make a cute gift for us ‘grown ups’! I love these and have seen how effective a tool they can be in helping children."
"The charm bracelets come in many varieties, some amusing & fun, and some more inspirational. All are hand made and have personalized quotes. I love making these and its my hope that those wearing them will take away whatever they need from them, whether it be hope, strength, or just good old amusement! "
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