Week Four! Welcome February!

Wow - we're four whole weeks in. Thrive has been welcoming friends for a month!

I'm not sure if I could be more proud. More humbled. More inspired.

We have big plans for the month of February. Big plans.

First off, February is American Heart month.

At Thrive, we would like to encourage everyone: do something good for yourself and assess your risk factors for heart disease.  Go do it. Seriously. We'll wait here.

Excellent- thank you! Now we move on.

Next: do something good for someone else and get CPR certified. Save a life. You really can.

Of course, you know we're not going to stop at the physiological heart. We are also going to focus on love and loving kindness this month.

We must love and be kind to ourselves and others. Let us take some time this month to be kind to ourselves. Let us honor our body with healthy food and movement that feels good. Let us surround ourselves with friends and loved ones - nourishing our soul.

My personal goal this month is to live my heart. Say the words of my heart. Offer hugs and loving touches. Send the note or text that says "I love you" or "I'm thinking of you." Each day this month, it will be my goal to connect with my heart and follow what it tells me.

Let's also love and pamper ourselves a little.

Beginning today, we're rolling out the first of our line of natural, hand-made products that will make both heart and body feel divine. We have bath fizzies that will effervesce and fill your bath with wonderful aroma and skin soothing ingredients. A portion of the sale of our fizzies will go to support the American Heart Association this month. It's a win-win all the way around!

I'm also thrilled to offer Skin Salvation - my own recipe for soothing stressed skin. It's a modification on the eczema salve that has cured my son's eczema.

There are a few other goodies to help us feel great this month- 3 blends of yoga mat spray (to relax, energize or balance) and 2 blends of delicious tea that will help us feel toasty and loved from the inside! These are all available in the studio. Check them out when you stop by.

February may be dark in terms of weather, but let's light it up with love, loving kindness, and laughter. We may have made resolutions in January, but let's make declarations in February. Let's live our heart. Shine our light for the world to see. I'm in if you are!

I love you, man!


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