Where's the Cadillac?


Such exciting news!

We've upgraded the Cadillac for a V2 Max Reformer.

Upgraded the Cadillac for a whoozee-what-it's ?

In plain English... 

Good bye fuzzy-hanging-straps, hello epic-Pilates-workout. 

I've got to admit that I'm somewhat excited to own one of these babies. 

It's. Awesome. 


All the functionality of the Reformer. All the functionality of the Cadillac. Plus Reformer-Cadillac hybrid awesomeness.

Although I will miss my beloved Cadillac - I'm thrilled to have some new options for clients and I love having 2 Reformers for duets. 

To celebrate the arrival of the V2 Max we're offering 10% off Pilates semi-private (duet) packages for the month of July! 

Use coupon code duet10 to save 10% off a single duet session, 5-pack or 10-pack! 

Come and work out with a friend or let us set you up with a partner! 


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