Week Five! On Rolling with the Punches

Here we are - five weeks in!

This week has been all about rolling with the punches. Letting go of expectations and knowing that everything is unfolding as it should.

This week I caught myself wondering if mother nature hates yoga. This is unlikely - I mean sun salutations, lotus and frog pose. Mother Nature must love yoga, right?

 Nevertheless, it is frustrating to cancel yet another class. So, I must frequently remind myself that  this is winter in New Hampshire. Thrive will survive these long winter days. Cancelling classes in February will give way to opening the windows in March. Spring will come eventually. The wise path is to give in to these moments, try to find some joy in the drawing in to home and hearth.

Though the weather hasn't been the only punch thrown this week.

I had a week of unpleasant consequences from spreading myself too thin and doing too many things at one time. There's multitasking and then there's ... me.

Tuesday I left my phone at the studio and had to live without it for gasp 16 hours.

Wednesday I packed up all my essential oils to take home for salve-making and left them right by the door of the studio.

Thursday I put a piece of toast in the toaster oven and then answered a phone call.

Our fire alarm works.

In my experience the Universe whispers (the phone), then knocks (the oils) and then blows the door down (the toaster) when it would like me to learn a lesson. I need to slow down. Focus. Come present.
The stink in our house was enormous and unpleasant.
Luckily, despite the ruined toaster and horrible stink, there was no additional damage.
I'll have you know that if you simmer cloves, citrus rind, vinegar and lemon essential oil in water - it removes many a stink. I use this trick every time I cook fish. It worked like a charm on the toaster stink.  


So, I hope that the Universe is done getting my attention. I hear ya, ok? I am working to stay present to each moment. Try to give my undivided attention - even when a task is menial or unpleasant.

Each moment is important. Each moment is my life.

In addition to grumbling about the snow - I'll make snow angels and enjoy hot chocolate.

This first winter of Thrive. This winter with my children. I'll never get this winter back.

Stop rushing and doing. Slow down. Look. Listen. Taste. Smell. Enjoy.  And never walk away from a toaster.


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